Although this is a fall family session, the pops of red in the leaves remind me so much of Christmas and its making me all giddy inside. Its only the second week of December but the Christmas bug has officially taken over all the things in my life. There are so many fun things and traditions that we have its hard to fit everything into these few short weeks before Christmas day. As Beau gets older, I’m finding there are more and more traditions that I’m wanting to start or different activities to try. It really makes for a super busy month and although I love it, it can get kind of hectic finding that work and family balance. But one of the biggest perks of owning my own business is making that balancing and choosing what I can handle on both sides of the coin. So while I’m sitting in the dead of night watching Beau sleep on the monitor and getting some work done, I always remember that this is the life I chose and worked so hard for. I am so grateful to get to do all the Christmas things I want while still supporting my family too.

This beautiful fall family session was photographed by my kind associate Emily.