We are 10 days away from Christmas and I feel like we are running out of time. There is so much goodness I want to cram in before the season is over and I honestly don’t think I can get it all in. Time is a tricky thing sometimes. It has its mind of its own. Sometimes it seems to be slow and other times it flies by. It can stand still and feel endless while it also  can be gone in a blink of an eye. Over the years I have come to really try to remember to live in the present. You never know what time will be change in your family or how amazing it can be. So as hard as it is I challenge  you to live in the moment, hour, or day. Live for what is now and not for what you wish it would or could be. And take those photos. Get in front of the camera. You want to make sure you have pictures of you and your family to cherish in good and bad times, to look at and remember what it looked like all the time.

This beautiful fall family session was photographed by my sweet associate Simply Shelby by Bailie.