I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Having Christmas over the weekend was so nice this year. More family was able to get time off and able to celebrate together. I also want to thank all those essential workers who are not always able to get the holidays off and work so those who need them are taken care of. We are truly grateful for all that you do.

As I was sitting her editing this sweet wedding day session photographed by my kind associate Simply Shelby by Lindzee. I couldn’t help but think about this sweet couple and how they got to celebrate their first Christmas together as husband and wife. There is something so special about all those “firsts” in life. I can still remember mine like it was yesterday. I’m finding though that their are a lot of firsts even being married for a few years. Life has a way to surprise you sometimes and you experience different things all the time. Many of those are firsts you might not have exactly planned on but still something to celebrate or reflect on year after year. So as the new year approches I challenge you to look back on those firsts and remember all the joy you felt, or lessons you learned and bring them along with you into 2023 to make it your best year yet.