Winter sessions and young kiddos can sometimes be tricky simply do to the fact that its cold. Are sessions sometimes hard with littles regardless of the season you take pictures in, yes. That’s just the nature of kids. Sometimes they don’t always cooperate and that’s okay. We will work with what we’ve got and we’ll still be able to get some amazing shots. But if you are taking pictures in the winter and temperature is something you are worried about. Here are a few tips for picking outfits for a winter session and kids:


      • Put them in layers. Onesie, outfit, and a vest or jacket
      • Good shoes and socks
      • Beanies are super cute in the winter if you can find one to coordinate with their outfit
      • Gloves or mittens in neutral colors or outfit color pallet
      • Large cozy blankets that baby can be wrapped up in for some of the pictures


      • Add a jacket or neutral coat for a cute layering look
      • Beanies that match
      • Hand warmers for their pockets or shoes
      • If your daughter is wearing a dress make sure to layer with tights, wool ones are super cute
      • Hot chocolate, for AFTER the session so no one spills accidently on their cute outfits

Going into a winter session with the expectation that its going to be cold, but we’re going to make the best of it is always helpful too. Having a positive attituded and making it fun for your kids can make family pictures even more enjoyable.

This beautiful winter family session was photographed by my sweet associate Simply Shelby by Bailie.