Spring came in like a lion and out well…like a lioness. A lot of us seemed to be giving up any hope that we would even get to see a spring season this year in Utah. Luckily spring finally did decide to show her beautiful face but everything has been super pushed back as far as typical spring session locations. All the blooms are later than usual, spring flowers have been slower to sprout, and there is a lot of snow still sprinkled around some of my favorite locations. But when Simply Shelby by Hannah’s clients were set on having spring flowers for their engagement session, Hannah pulled an audible and suggested having their session at a greenhouse. They would still get the beautiful spring flowers, while still sticking to their wedding timeline, which we all know has very little wiggle room. They turned out so cute and I am so happy her clients were loving the idea of a greenhouse session. Sometimes photography can get tricky when mother nature decides to do her own thing, but keeping a positive attitude and thinking outside the box can lead to some pretty amazing results.