When clients ask to do sessions that aren’t typically something you shoot, I always remind myself how good it is to get out of my comfort zone and learn something new. If you never push yourself or step foot into something that might make you a little uncomfortable then you are going to be stuck. I always encourage my associates to be countinous learners. I want them to try new styles, or different sessions. Take classes or shadow other photographers that they find might find inspiring or doing something they want to learn. Being a continues learner is one of the best parts of life. So when my amazing associate, Simply Shelby by Megan, had the opportunity to shoot a new sessions style I was so excited she said yes. Adding in large props can make photography challenging at times with how many different things you have to work with and take into account. But Megan did such a great job with this family session and using the bus was such a fun and unique idea. I think they turned out so good.