When was the last time you and your spouse or significant other took photographs together just the two of you? No extended family, siblings, parents or kids around, just you two in your element together. I’ve thought about this a lot while in such a busy season of my life. Garrett and I am both super busy right now and the little time that we do get together we are spending it with Beau or running off to lunches or dinner for 30 mins in-between our  hectic schedules. So I get that it can be really really hard to make the time for just the two of you to go and do something fun together with no other distractions. But when it is possible then a couples photo session is a really fun, meaningful, and fulfilling way to spend that precious time. There is so much more you can do during a couples session than when there are so many others around who are all holding the same space as you. When its just the two of you you can really hone into what makes you so special together and the initial reasons why you fell in love. Like this beautiful couples session that my amazing associate Simply Shelby by Maylie photographed. It really shows the two of them together and what makes their love story so unique and special for them.