Family sessions can be stressful when you have littler kids. You never know what temperament you’re going to get that day let alone that hour or even through minute to minute. You hope and pray with fingers crossed that they’ll be on their best behavior with smiley giggly faces and domineers. That they follow the photographers directions and not give them a death stare in each and every photo. And yet the reality is that kids are going to be kids. They are unpredictable sometimes and have good and bad days, hours, and minutes. If you go into pictures knowing that their might be some hiccups for what you hopped for or expected then the session will go a lot smoother. I promise I know how to get the best out of  your kids and one of the best things is to play during your session. Let the kids run around, laugh, giggle and be silly. Pick them up twirl around and just have fun. Doing what you do at home will bring the best most genuine photographs and I promise you will be so happy with the out come.