Fall is notorious for a huge influx of requests for family sessions. There is just something magical about the change of season and fall colors that really gets families excited for family pictures. Okay, well when I say excited that might only come from one or two individuals possibly. I know that family pictures isn’t usually on the top of a families fall bucket list. And there can sometimes be a few who drag their feet, wine and moan, and might not have the best attitude about the whole situation. But family pictures are important. So if this might describe a select few in your family, I have the perfect solution. Schedule a mini session, which is a painless 15-20 mins. It is short, sweet, and too the point. You don’t know how many clients have come up after a mini session and said to me, “Wow. That wasn’t so bad.” ” I can’t believe we are already done.” and ” Why haven’t we been doing this from the beginning.” You don’t loose shots or quality of content. The only difference is the amount of photos you get back in your gallery. Its all about quality not quantity with a mini session. Use this as a selling point to your not so excited members. I promise its worth it every single time.