It has been the year for extended family sessions! I don’t know if we’ve ever had a year like this one where so many families are making the time to get together and get extended family sessions done. We have been swamped and I can not tell you how  happy it makes me. Extended family sessions are ones that most families don’t take on a yearly basis. I would say the average I tended to see is somewhere closer to every 2-5 years. There are a few reasons for why I think there is such a large gap between each time, but in my opinion I think the number one reason is due to planning a time, place, and day that everyone in your extended family can get together. Some families are spread across the US or even the world. And it can make it really difficult to get every single member of your extended family to commit to a time that works for all parties involved. I mean I get it. Life is BUSY for everyone and it can be a huge challenge. But I also know how important it is too. Families are ever changing and life can add or take away more frequently then we would ever care to admit. Having a photo with all of your loved ones together is truly priceless. Especially for the leaders or head of your family. This is their prosperity and they want to be able to have a lasting image of what they cherish the most, family.

This extended family session was photographed by my hard working associate Simply Shelby by Cait.