When you work in the service industry you rely solely on the clients who choose to consume your product, purchase your items, or pay for the service you are providing. That is a very venerable spot to put yourself in. You are putting everything you have into your business and just hoping that it pays off. Photography is exactly that. We are putting ourselves and our talent out there and hoping and praying we find the right clients who want to keep returning and recommending us to their family and friends. Returning clients are the ones that really get our hearts going because they trust us enough to keep coming back session after session. This family is just that for Simply Shelby by Bailie.  She’s worked with this beautiful family for years. She has done multiple sessions for them and this one feels like an extra special one. Bailie was asked to photograph their wedding formal session and jaw dropping is all I can say. This entire gallery is breath taking and captures these two too a tee. I only wish I had the capacity to share every single photograph because this whole gallery needs to be seen. This wedding is going to be just as stunning and I am here for it!