One of my most favorite things in the world is when I get to take pictures of some of my closest and dearest friends. Getting to provide them with beautiful family photos year after year brings such a joy to my heart. It means the world that not only do my friends love me and my family but they love what I do for a living too. I have been friends with the Simmons for many years. I look forward to not only hanging out with them but getting to take their pictures too. I’ve been able to watch their cute boys grow and being boy moms together has only brought us closer. Finding your people is something that I will never take for granted. You need people in your lives that you can count on, have fun with, and go to when ever you need a listening ear, or a night full of laughs. It makes me so grateful, especially this time of year. Thanksgiving makes me reflect even more than usual about what I’m most grateful for and friends is truly one of them.