Watching families grow and change through all their different chapters in life really makes me think about my own family. Seeing parents with older children who are leaving the house, starting their own paths, getting married and adding children of their own gives me so much hope for the future. I look at my two tiny boys and can’t even imagine what life will look like when their old enough to leave the house, and yet I can all at the same time. Parenthood is wild like that sometimes. I know its so cliché but the old saying of “The days are long but the years are short,” is seriously so true. It can be hard when you are in the trenches of zero sleep, diaper changes, colicky babies, terrible twos, two under two, whatever your hard might be. But as I take pictures of families with older children I can’t believe how fast their kids grew up. My own boys will be taking family pictures with me one day, probably taller than me and doing their own things. Its wild to think about. But also so encouraging and amazing at the same time. Getting to take photos of families will always be my most favorite thing. It literally brings me the most joy.