Utah had a really slow start to its snow this year. Like weirdly slow start and only had a few storms the whole month of December. Its hard to think that this session was taken in December since we really didn’t have a chance for a lot of snow sessions. But I am so happy that my cute associate Simply Shelby by Emily was able to sneak out during one of those snowy days to fit in a few sessions. I know that some families shy away from winter session but they really are so dreamy. It can be cold, but we can also make our sessions quick. Add a neutral blanket, some hand warmers in your boots and pockets, add some layering into your outfit and we can all handle a 15-20 min snow session. Fingers crossed that winter isn’t done yet and we still have a few really good storms in our future. I am dying to get out and shoot a winter wonderland session at least once this winter.