Can you even believe that Valentines Day is next week? Are  you a “go all out” or “keep it simple” type of family for Valentines Day? Everyone has their own take on the holiday. I think its fun to celebrate holidays but I don’t go all out for each and every single one of them. But if you ask me to do a Holiday Mini then you bet your bottom that I’ll have the studio all set up and deck out to make everyone’s holiday photo sessions come true. This adorable balloon arch has been set up in my Simply Shelby Studio in Brigham City this past month. I have been loving what cute sessions have been coming out of the studio for Valentines Day! I love seeing how each photographer uses the space differently and seeing their creative eye at work is always the best. These adorable Valentines Day mini sessions are from my amazingly talented associates Simply Shelby by Liesel. Liesel is a magician behind the camera and always knows how to get the best out of her clients, and these two sessions are no exception. If I don’t get a chance to spam the blog with more Valentines sessions this month make sure your following along with all of our associates because I know they will be sharing on their own social media outlets!!