Another beautiful January wedding with the most stunning bride and groom. Simply Shelby by Megan was the photographer for this wedding day session and it turned out simply stunning. This cute couple decided to take their wedding day formals during their actual wedding day. This is an option for those who don’t want to find a separate day to get them taken or want everything together to make life easier. Our photographers will find time during the day to pull you away and get some very intimate shots between just the two of you. Most couples choose to do their session in the same area as their wedding ceremony which always works out wonderfully. This bride and groom did this exact thing and their formal pictures turned out amazing. Make sure when you are booking a wedding session that you talk with your photographer so you can have an open line of communication on how you want the day to go. We want to always make sure we are on the same page and don’t miss any pictures that you want taken on your big day.