There might not be anything that I love more than family sessions. They always still my heart and I get so excited when clients ask me to photograph their families. The best part about a family session is that there can be so many different reason to have them taken. It could be a maternity session with family, new baby in the family, extended family sessions, or your yearly updated ones. It could also be just for fun. We have a lot of clients who want holiday minis taken with their whole family and those turn out so stinking cute too. But whatever the reason may be I am always so happy to celebrate with my clients. This adorable family  just added another sweet boy into their home and Simply Shelby by Kobe was asked to photograph his newborn session. They chose to do a mix of family photos with a few newborn portrait shots and this whole gallery is beautiful. There is just something so special about a new baby in the family and I am so happy that Kobe was able to squeeze this cute family in before she had her own new babe.