It was such a joy to work with the Swan Family. They each brought their own personalities and joy to the session. They also brought their DOGS!  I will admit I would have never understood “dog people” until four months ago. Cue Winston, the worlds sweetest puppy ever. I didn’t grow up with dogs. My dad didn’t love them so I in turn just didn’t either. I felt VERY uneasy around them. I didn’t like the messes, the barking, the drool…. it was a big NO! But then through the act of God, Winston came into our lives at the most perfect time. And now I “get it” when you say you wanna bring your dog to your session.

And the answer will always be YES!

The interaction between the dogs and their families was so beautiful to watch. You could see the love just shining through their eyes. It took some commands, treats, and the power of the “squeak”, but we were able to get some outstanding shots with these sweet pups. I literally wanted to just squeeze them and love on them throughout the full session.