Oh to be eight years old again. It seems like a million years ago that I was that little, but I still have some beautiful memories of that age. Some of them are more fuzzy than others but there are times that I can remember like they were yesterday. A lot of those memories stem from big events, birthdays, celebrations, and holidays. And for some at eight years old, one of those big moments might be to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And that’s exactly the big celebration Simply Shelby by Emily got to help celebrated with her client. This sweet girl took her baptism session at the Brigham City temple in the most gorgeous dress, that if you can even believe that her grandmother made for her. Can you even imagine? What a treasured keepsake for this sweet little girl. Emily had so much fun walking around the temple grounds and capturing beautiful and sweet moments with her client. This whole gallery is darling and these pictures are going to look so stunning showcased on her big day.