Living in Utah has provided so many different backdrops for photography. I really do live in such a beautiful state. Recently my travel bug has been nagging at me to go somewhere. Normally Garrett and I would jump on that feeling. We’d book a flight and take off on an adventure. But with all that 2020 has brought, traveling has been far and few between. But we decided to still get out and explore our own home state for the weekend. We ran up to Park City to do some exploring and enjoying some fun together. While we were up their it reminded me of this fun Fall Family shoot that I did in Park City earlier this month. This sweet family was so fun to work with and we really got some great photos. How could I not share all of this goodness?

I love capturing the different personalities of every family member. Some are more comfortable in front of the camera or even interacting with a stranger. Sometimes it takes a little coaxing for them to show some genuine smiles and laughter. Making you comfortable enough to be yourselves and interact with each other like you would at home, makes it so much easier to get a good shot. But no matter the situation I guarantee I can capture some great memories of all your loved ones. Its important to get a mix of family, siblings, mom and dad, and individual photos. The variety is bound to make sure we get exactly what your looking for.