As a photographer over the years, I’ve been privileged to see into the happiest and hardest times of my clients lives. I’ve talked to moms who want family pictures taken but just don’t feel comfortable with themselves to get them done. I’ve listened to mommas who don’t like their haircut, want to loose another 10 pounds, are waiting for the “perfect” version of themselves…and THEN they’ll schedule family pictures. I’m here to tell you that there is NO PERFECT TIME to get photos done. Do it now while you’re in the trenches of motherhood. Do it now while your working on you. Do it now when your kiddos are changing every second of every day. You are perfect in your families eyes they way your are today and always.







I’m goin to get a little personal for a minute but I think its so important for you to know where the love and passion for mommas and photography comes from. When I was 11 years old I lost my sweet Momma. It was way to young for her and way to young for me. It left a huge whole in our hearts. The worst part was that she was always the one taking the photos of us. She was always making sure WE were getting captured. So we don’t have many pictures of us one-on-one. I wish we did have more.

When I first started photography it was the perfect outlet for me as a young girl. I would take my baby brothers and we would walk all over town taking pictures. I am passionate about photography because to me its more than a job. I get to see first hand how you interact and love one another. Its my job to capture those private, beautiful, complicated, and precious relationships through a lens. Sometimes this will have to happen with families I’ve met 5 minuets ago. So I talk, I make jokes, I ask questions as we walk. I want you to leave feeling so much joy.

So come! PLEASE COME! No matter the dress size, the hair color, the “imperfect” you. It Matters. This Matters. YOU Matter!!