We’re officially in July and I am still sharing senior sessions from May. If that doesn’t’ tell you how busy and amazing this years senior shoots where then I don’t know what else will. We had so many senior sessions across the whole team this past spring. Lots of different locations, stylings, edits,  props used and memories made. I love taking senior sessions and watching my clients grow up through film. Some of my clients have been with me from the very beginning and I always look forward to sessions with them each year. And when there is an even extra special reason for a session, like graduation pictures, it makes my heart burst with joy. Isn’t it so crazy how a job allows people into your lives that turn to friends and into family and then you get to share these big special moments with them too. Getting asked to be apart of some of the biggest chapters in someone’s life is something that I will never take for granted. It can feel monotonous for some doing the same thing over and over again. But I’ve found that if you go into each session with the idea that your clients will never get this moment or experience or year back that for them, this is a once in a lifetime event. That puts each session into perspective and makes me want to always make sure I am bringing my own A game and providing the best experience possible for them. Its not routine for them its the only one, if that makes sense. I instill that drive and love for each session into my associates as well so you know that your getting our best always.