We are officially into August now and I am so shocked how fast summer flew by. Kids are gearing up to start back to school in the next two weeks and feels like summer is quickly coming to end. We squeezed so many fun things into summer this year and I loved spending all of it with my boys and extended family. Summer is often times one of the most popular times for those looking for extended family sessions. There seems to be a little bit more flexibility with finding a date to get the whole family together. It can be planned around a vacation, family reunion, or a date planned a year in advance in order to make sure everyone is able to be there. It can be really tricky especially for those families who are spread across the country or might have to travel far to be all together. I always realize its such a privileged to have my family so close to me and something that I never take for granted. I am so happy that Simply Shelby by Emily was able to be there for this sweet family and their extended family session this summer. This whole gallery turned out so good!