The newborn stage is one that I feel like goes so fast but also feels so long. The long nights, full days, endless snuggles, and tiresome tears can make the newborn stage one that some people absolutly love and for others not so much. Everyone is right to feel the way they feel and that’s one thing that makes parenthood so wonderful. We get to take what we want from it. For me personally, I absolutely love the newborn stage. There is something so heavenly about a new baby in the home, the constant snuggles, and love that they bring through the doors. The newborn stage always seems to go by to fast for me and with it the tiny newborn features. They only look like newborns for what feels like a couple of weeks and then they already start looking like babies. Their tiny nose, fingers, and toes, little chicken legs, and bobble heads, I wish I could hold on to that a little bit longer every time. Thats one reason why I love taking pictures of a newborns tiny features. They change so quickly I always want parents to have those photos just to remember how teeny tiny they once where, because they will never be that little again. This sweet girl was a rockstar for her session. I had so much fun holding her and getting in those sleepy snuggles while posing her for her pictures. It was the perfect day.

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