Senior pictures might not always be the first priority for some of my senior boys. However, they are such a treasured memory and a great way to show off your huge accomplishment of graduating from high school. Plus, Parker here also did it for his Momma! ;0) Isn’t this the best senior session too. I loved the variety of looks that we were able to capture for Parker. Not only did it show off his personality but we were able to commemorate some of his fondest memories about high school too. There is so much that could be said about what we chatted about during Parkers session. His greatest memories, he’s plans for after graduation, and who he wants to be. Seniors never sees to amaze me. I seriously don’t think I ever had it together like these kiddos now days do. Does that make me sound old? Oh well, Cheers to all my seniors. You are almost at the finish line!