One of the biggest perks of having so many amazing associates is providing so many different talents, specialties, edits, price ranges, and session options. The only downfall, which it honestly really isn’t, is the fact that I have SO many amazing sessions to share that sometimes sessions aren’t shared in the proper season. But they are too good not to share, sooooo you’ll be seeing a whole mixed up bag of goodness throughout the year. Now that it is officially summer I can share some spring goodness. I am so grateful we were able to still offer spring blossom sessions this year because Utah decided it needed to snow and dip below freezing in April. Luckily the blossoms held on strong and we could still fulfill one of our most requested sessions of the year. This beautiful spring blossoms session was photographed by my dear associate McKayla. All the rescheduling for these sessions was worth it. They all turned out so good!