We are already into the month of October and I can hardly believe how fast the month of September flew by. Being back in school and back to a more ridged routine always seems to make the days and weeks go by faster. I can’t even imagine once Beau is older and we are throwing in sports, or music or art ,whatever interests my boy wants to explore on top of everything else. The sheer level of organization and time management that will be going on will be out of this world. But if you don’t know me that well, then you don’t know that I thrive in the busy. I do so much better with lots to do and timelines to meet. I know that not everyone is like that but for me it seems to keep me motivated and moving. Seeing all these family sessions coming in makes all the late nights and early mornings worth it.  Looking through galleries of past clients and new ones always makes my heart so happy. And the fact that all of my associates are capturing so many memories literally has me in tears. This stunning family session was photographed by my sweet associate Kaila. Her moody edit is making me swoon with this cute family. Just simply beautiful.