One of the most requested locations to shoot couple sessions, wedding formals, engagements etc is the Bonneville Salt Flats. It is a stunning location that looks good no mater the time of year and provides such a simple neutral backdrop. No wonder so many clients ask to shoot there. I love seeing sessions photographed there just as much as I love getting requests to go their. So when my adorable associate Simply Shelby by Olivia was the lucky photographer asked to shoot for this stunning couples session, I couldn’t have been more excited. It’s literally what dreams are made of. The weather was cold but gorgeous and her clients were actual rock stars shooting out there. The lighting is always perfection when you go at the right time of day and it really makes a huge difference. So if you’ve ever considered shooting at the Salt Flats let this be a personal invitation to say yes, because if they turn out half as good as these I know you won’t be disappointed.