Now that school is out for almost all of Utah, I feel like we can declare that it is officially summer! Is anyone else super excited? I can’t wait to spend my time with my family, shooting amazing clients, and soaking up all the vitamin D I can possibly get. Summer time brings so many fun and exciting sessions too. We get to spend our time in the mountains, at the lake, at all the weddings, and family reunions. Myself and my team are very busy during the summer months and we wouldn’t have it any other way. This gorgeous couple is one of the highlights of the summer. Their wedding formals were photographed out at the Bonneville Salt Flats by my super sweet associate Maylie and they turned out gorgeous. It was pretty windy but Maylie was able to use the wind to her advantage and made some magical moments. Cheers to these two love birds and cheers to the next three glorious months of summer.