I loved this mini session with the Boomershines. Aren’t they the cutest little family? This mini session was only 15 minutes long and we were able to shoot so many amazing shots. There was so many different backgrounds to choose from and we walked around and picked a few that we just loved. I love the versatility in background choices to really allow for different looks and feels. Whatever style your hoping for, make sure to vocalize your ideas so we can find the perfect spot to meet all your hopes and dreams.

When it comes to picking a location there are a few things that you should take into consideration. Here are a few tips to get the ideas flowing:

          • Consider the look and feel you want to portray in your photos-natural, urban, vintage, high fashion, homey, or the beach
          • What does your home décor look like? What setting would look the best?
          • Browse through the blog or my portfolio to see examples of possible locations or settings to get a better idea of what you might want
          • Ask for opinions or ideas. I have a wealth of knowledge and have scouted hundreds of places. I know which ones work well, hidden gems, or new places that would be fun to shoot at
          • Be flexible. Sometimes weather, time of year or even schedules can bring hiccups to possible locations. Know that if the one we had originally planed on doesn’t work out, I always have a plan B or C and sometimes even D if needed.