When you are this cute of course the whole session is centered around you. I mean come on. This sweet babe was a perfect angel for her family session. She had the sweetest smile and had so many coos and sweet noises to share. Its no wonder that my sweet associate Simply Shelby by Stella was so excited to get their session edited and back to them asap. They really are that good. Having family pictures taken can be stressful trying to coordinate dates, times, outfits, locations etc But I promise you over and over again that they are so important. Getting pictures of your family at least once a year allows for a mini timeline and time capsule to be capture for your family. You are able to see how everyone is growing, changing, and loving each stage that your family is in. Its one of the many reasons why I love family sessions so much. Luckily summer is filled with families this year and I couldn’t be happier about it.