A new season always reminds me of new beginnings or chapters in our lives. When I start to see the hints of seasons changing I always get in my feels about life and all that that encompasses. It seems especially present this year with brining our newest little babe into our home. Not only did we add a new member of the family but we started a new chapter of our lives and a new beginning as a family of four. As with anything that brings changes it can have many amazing positive experiences but also moments of challenge or struggle. And as we work through those harder moments and get to see the light or relief we can gain a fonder understanding of how new seasons can be both. They can be equally beautiful and hard at the same time. We haven’t quiet hit winter yet but there are glimmers of it with the weather that are showing a new season is on the horizon. And as we transition into a new season I hope we can find the joy among the challenges and remember to find the light in our new beginning.

This beautiful maternity session was photographed by my remarkable associate Simply Shelby by Mishae.