And just like that another senior session for your viewing pleasure. This cutie pie was photographed by my adorable associate Simply Shelby by Kenna and had the best outfits for her session. She had a few different options and each and every look was so good. She cow print boots were chiefs kiss and I loved that she decided to showcase her accolades that she worked on and earned. I love to see what seniors decide to choose to showcase in their senior sessions. It highlights a lot about who they are, what their interests are, and how amazing each and every single senior is. Our world would be a pretty boring place if everyone had the same interests. Watching our kids choose and work hard for the things they love has got to be highlight for so many parents everywhere. I’ve loved watching Beau find things he loves and is interested in, even if it is Spiderman at the moment, but I can’t wait to see what he loves and does as he gets older. I can only imagine what he might choose for his own senior session. Never mind that might make me cry, so well keep to others senior sessions for now.