Another beautiful summer day and another stunning family session. The weather this summer has been kind of odd. It started off really cool even through the end of May. Then we sprinkled in some warm days, rainy days and extreme heat days so hard in June. But its like mother nature is on her own roller-coaster and we are just going along for the ride at his point. But I mean, I can’t hate on it. I love the cooler days and rainy days more than the blistering hot days of summer, but at least we’ve had beautiful weather for the most part for all of our family sessions. The evenings are the perfect time for a session. The sun is setting, giving us the best lighting possible, the heat dies down a little bit, we can stay out later if we want. So no complaining coming from me over here. This cute family had the best weather for their family session and Simply Shelby by Bailie captured so many good moments. This boy squad was a dream and had the best time messing around and hanging out as a family. I have a soft spot for boy moms, since I am one too, and I absolutely loved editing this adorable families session.