As your family grows and lives get more and more busy, I know that it can take more of an effort to get family pictures taken. Everyone has a million things going on. Each kid has their own schedules, work, extra curricular activities, school, community commitments etc So finding a time to get your whole family together gets tricky. One thing I’ve noticed is that families with older children tend to get their pictures taken in the summer. There is a little more down time for all the things, and finding a time to go on a vacation might include one extra day or the night before you leave to get them taken. I’m not saying that getting family pictures taken is an easy task, I know it can come with its own challenges and stresses. But I’ve never once had a family tell me that it wasn’t worth it. That receiving their gallery made all the stresses feel better and that they were so happy they made the time to get them taken. Families are always changing and on the go, so to have a few moments of stillness capturing the ones that make you the most happy is priceless.

This beautiful family session was photographed by my kind associate Simply Shelby by Danielle.