Oh to be three again! We haven’t hit three yet, but I can only imagine Beau as a three year old. Is it really true what they say, three is more like threenager? I mean I’ve seen my fair share of three year old’s during sessions but I only am getting a tiny snapshot into these little ones lives. Sometimes littles don’t cooperate during pictures and that can be expected at times. Don’t feel flustered or upset, we will work with what we got. Some profound advice I was given before Beau was born was that if you go into a vacation, new experience, play date, party, photo shoot etc with no expectations then it alleviates the disappointment or frustration. Just know that littles can be hard during sessions sometimes and that’s okay. We’ll do our best and make the best out of the attitude we’ve got at the given time. This sweet thing though was an angel for her session. She was photographed by my fun associate Danielle. They ran around with her balloon and she was so happy and content to eat her treat too. It was a win win for everyone. Happy Birthday sweet girl!