Tomorrows the last day of December and of 2022. All I can think is holy moly this year FLEW by and I don’t know where it went. Like literally I thought yesterday Beau was still a newborn and now he’s one on his way to two. Time has been moving so quickly lately and it tugs at my heart strings a little. I feel like all of my special moments and stages of life aren’t staying long enough for me to really cherish each and every moment. So I’ve been really working on slowing down, prioritizing my time, soaking in each and every second of every day because I know its not going to last long. I’m holding on to Christmas a bit too on the blog, just like fall ha, so if you’re like me and want it to last a little bit longer then you’ll be lucky enough to keep seeing some for another few weeks. I am so excited for the new year but am hoping 2023 will slow its roll a little so we can take it all in.

This beautiful Christmas mini was shot by my adorable associate Danielle. What a perfect Christmas card photo of this cute family!