One of my favorite things as a photographer is to see my clients year after year and session after session. This sweet little babe has been a client before he was even born. I’ve known his family for a few years now and look forward to seeing them each and every time. I took his newborn photos and I am so excited that I was able to take his ONE year session too. He was such a sweet little thing the whole time. He wasn’t so sure about his smash cake in the beginning but once he figured out what it was and that it tasted good. He was all hands on deck. It was seriously the cutest thing ever. The studio is a perfect set up for smash cake sessions. It provides a warm and weather controlled environment no matter what season your little has one of their biggest birthdays. Looking through his session while I was editing brought me so much joy. I can’t wait to see him and his family for their next photo session soon. Have I said how much I love my clients lately?