Isn’t she simply glowing!! I am so excited for this sweet momma to welcome her second little love into the world. We were able to have her session at the perfect time. We were able to capture some of my favorite glowy light and got it done before it got to cold. Her little family is so cute. I loved not only capturing momma with her baby bump but incorporating the whole family too. We got some really tender shots. I don’t know if she could tell or not but I was smiling with them behind the camera. I couldn’t help myself, it was just too good.












There is just something so special about a momma and her babies. I find that moms are the ones most unseen. They are always the ones behind the camera instead of in front of them. I always make sure to get photographs with momma and her babies. There needs to be more of those photos in the world. Its important for our mommas to be seen too. Love all my momma clients!