Is there anything better than a sweet new baby sent from heaven? I’ve been really missing these fresh 48 hour photos sessions that usually are taken at the hospital. However, due to all of the COVID regulations they aren’t allowing visitors into the hospitals right now. I’ve had some disappointed clients with these new rules in place who were hoping for fresh 48 sessions. I know I can’t be there with you. But you can still take some pretty amazing photographs on your own just with your cell phone. Scroll down for a few tips for your own mini photo session in the hospital.

Here are a few tips and tricks for a personal photo session in the hospital with your new bundle of joy:

                • Turn off all over head lighting
                •  Make sure all of the natural light windows have as much light coming through as possible
                • Have baby facing the windows, while you shoot from in front or above
                • Place baby on a slight angel and not straight inline with where you are shooting
                • Add name tags, swaddles, hair bows, favorite outfit or you or your support person
                • Capture photos of all the little things you want to remember; their hair, hands, feet, eyes, wrinkles etc
                • Don’t stress. Whatever photos you get will be ones that are memorable and last a life time