Newborn babies have got to be the squishiest things on the plant. All of the chubby, wrinkly cuteness is to hard to handle at times. Like this sweet girls newborn session. I literally was using my mom voice while editing her whole gallery. Her chunky sweet face is just the sweetest. Newborn sessions are the best way to capture all of that goodness. All the dimples and wrinkles. The tiny fingers and toes. All the things that you never want to forget because they change out of that sweet sweet newborn look so fast. Newborn sessions can be as elaborate or as laidback as you want them to be. However and whatever type of newborn photographs you would like we can make sure to get that done for you. And if you want to sneak in big brother or sister like this cute family did, then we can make that happen too. Such a beautiful newborn session photographed by my kind associate Simply Shelby by Danielle Fox.