I’ve got spring fever and looking at this sister missionary’s session with all of the spring flowers is making me so dang excited for the next few months of sessions. Not only are the spring flowers going to be showing off but with the change of daylight savings time I get a lot more hours to shoot with my favorite glowy light. That just means more sessions with my favorite clients. Speaking of favorite clients Kass is diffidently one of them. She was such a dream to work with and I remember her session vividly not just because of the gorgeous backdrops but because of her beautiful spirit and sweet personality.

Kass was so excited for her session and you can see that excitement right through her eyes. She asked if she could bring a outfit change and some items specific to her and her mission. Of course I said absolutely! I love when clients add individuality to their sessions. It only makes the photos that much more special. Kass brought her mission call, personal scriptures and a flag from Boston Massachusetts were she was going to serve. All of these things added a fun variety to the photos and we got some really great photographs!