I’m curious how long the newborn phase lasted for you. I know it can sometimes feel like they are newborns forever but I’m talking about the teeny tiny features stage. The chicken legs, flakey skin, scrunchy baby stretches, sleepy smiles, milk drunk, startle reflex, itty bitty fingers and toes newborn phase. Those are things that I never want to forget and yet they seem to be the part that goes the fastest. After a few months they start to chunk up and all of a sudden they don’t look like a newborn every again. That’s one of the many reasons I love getting newborn sessions scheduled with in the first two weeks of a baby being born. We want to capture your new love at their newest and fresh from heaven look as possible. We never want you to forget how little they were for such a short time. This stunning studio newborn session was photographed by my talented associate Simply Shelby by Kobe. She is our resident expert with newborns and her work literally speaks for it self. She does such a beautiful job getting every single unique detail of your sweet babes that you’ll be able to hold onto forever.