Giving birth is such a different experience for everyone who goes through it. There are different types of births, locations, support systems, medical needs etc The best part of those differences is that your story is just that, yours. No one will have a story that matches yours exactly and it is yours alone to share. Giving birth is also a very sacred time between your chosen support group and you. Sometimes in the mix of everything you don’t remember to pull out your phone to snap a couple of pictures to remember it all. That is where my sweet associate Sarah comes in. She is a nurse who knows her way around the medical field and is an expert at all things birth and fresh 48 hour sessions. She is able to capture memories for you to share that you might not other wise have during your birth story. Sarah is very professional in what she does. She asks what you are comfortable with her photographing and also makes seem as though she’s not even in the room. This birth story session is simply beautiful and this little baby fresh from heaven is just scrumptious too.