True happiness to me is being with the ones you love the most. Whether that’s your spouse, partner, kids, family, friends, fur babies, co-workers, neighbors, community, social circles or groups, etc People matter and I think that we’ve all had the opportunity to witness that first hand over the past couple of years. I am a people person and love to be with those who light my fire on a daily basis. One thing that lights my fire is being with my clients who show off that genuine love with one another and I get to capture it on film. It seriously means the world to be behind the lens and give still moments to my clients that are priceless. This beautiful couple was one of those sessions. My cute associate Olivia was the photographer for this session and while I sat editing it all I could think was, Wow! They truly love each other. You can see it in their eyes, body language, smiles and laughter. Its really quite amazing if you ask me. So remember to hold your people close and your photographers closer…okay well at least in your back pocket to schedule sessions like these!!