Can you even with Utah this summer? Good gravy it has been one of the most beautiful summers in the past few years and I am hear for it! The greens are just so over the top green this year. I am so happy. You can tell the mountains are going to stay greener longer which means more stunning mountain summer sessions. Family sessions are probably my most favorite session that I get to photograph and when I get to do an extended family session. Man it is just icing on the cake. Getting your whole family together can be a challenge sometimes with so many different schedules, circumstances, chapters in life etc But when you can make it work it is always pure magic. Seeing this cute family again was one of my highlights during June. Getting to capture everyone together in such a fun season of life, plus the perfect weather made for a memorable night. I love my job and having the best clients in the world makes it really easy to fill my schedule year in and year out.