We are in full Christmas mode over here and I feel like my days are just filling up faster and faster with so many different things to do and get done. I’ve been working so hard behind the scenes and at home with my cute boys to get a ton of work related things done so that I can really enjoy the holiday session. Luckily we are now in a slower season of the year, which means we have a little bit more breathing room to spend time with family and celebrate the holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the busyness of fall, but its nice to have chunks of slower times to regroup and not get burned out. Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year and I look forward to doing so many fun holiday traditions with my family. But because of that the month seems to always fly by and I feel like sometimes I almost miss it. So I’m promising myself to slow down, a little, this year and really take in the joy, fun, festivities, and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. I hope everyone is able to take some time to slow down this month and take in all the goodness that this holiday season can bring.