The end of October brought colder temperatures and rainy weather into Utah. The mountains received some snow which really affected the fall foliage. The leaves started dropping instantly and leaving more and more bare branches. But in good Utah fashion the sun came out, still stayed cooler, but the mountains and valleys still had some really beautiful spots to hold sessions in. We were able to still provide beautiful sessions with fall looks even into the first few days of November. I know that everyone loves their own home state and thinks its the best. But Utah really is a photographers dream. There are so many areas to choose from, different looks, a variety of colors and backdrops and in an area that isn’t to far to drive to an ocean view. It makes it so fun to work in a place with so many options to choose from. And having all four seasons adds another element of joy. As we start gearing up for winter sessions I am so excited to see what my associates and I come up with both with indoor and outdoor settings. Its going to be another amazing winter season. And I can hardly wait.