You know those families who come back year after year after year. The Atkinson’s are one of those families for me and I love them so much. It is always so rewarding as you take family photos each year and get a little sneak peak into how your family is changing. I get to watch your kids grow up from a far, see new members added, challenges that might arise, and the growth of joy and love. It might sound silly to some, but my clients that I see on a regular or yearly basis are truly some of my favorite people, and friends. This businesses has brought not only a livelihood for me and my family but also a social circle that I could never replace or forget. I’m already planning on Atkinson family 2024, so I’ll tentatively jot them done for next year haha But really thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of my clients who keep coming back and to those who are giving me or one of my associates a chance. We love you so much. Thank you!