Family sessions have been our most requested session this fall and I can’t blame anyone one little bit. It has been an extra special fall in Utah this year and I can only hope we get another one just as good next year. As we’ve been taking family photos the past month I’ve been so happy seeing old clients, new clients, and clients that I’ve known almost my whole life. It makes me so happy that so many friends and family keep returning and recommending the Simply Shelby team year after year. For a small business clients are the life line to what makes us who we are. We can work our tails off learning new skills, molding our craft, marketing up the wazoo on social media, but none of that would mean anything with out the clients. Having clients who trust in us enough to capture meaningful moments and memories to last a life time will never get old. You are why we work so hard day in and day out. We love what we do and I can’t thank you enough that you keep choosing my associates and I. Thank you!